Quality solutions for our clients requirements

Go Live is a provider of consulting services for small, medium and large organisations. We help individuals who require any of our services to deliver an initiative in their day job.

A statewide implementation of a solution to electronically control reporting of drugs led this agency to nearly fail in the delivery

There is nothing worse than investing money for the benefit of patients than realising the project is on the brink of failure all because the project has poor governance, lacks the right personnel to deliver the objectives and its created a difficult working environment

Inherited Problem

Our client trusted us with managing the outcome to their problems. Suffice to say these problems normally kept them up at night. We recognised that a number of standard project frameworks were not being adhered to or created.



Lack of Governance

project governance provides direction and defines decision-making procedures. Governance defines authority and accountability for the controls of the project, the outcomes and benefits. When roles and responsibilities are defined they can be clearly communicated within the organisation and to external stakeholders who will be impacted by the change


Poorly understood requirements

The client had been working in the project for almost one year before we were given the challenge of turning it around. Due to the immaturity of the department of working with project professionals and Vendors they were not set the correct expectation of what the new solution would offer. They refined requirements over 3 times and overspent on the task.


Wrong people working on the project

In Government we see time and time again that staff are overwhelmed with work. Staff are usually fully allocated to working on their day job however management will task them with working on a project. In this case staff disapproved of how much time was required of them and wanted to spend as little time as possible working on the project


Success Criteria Missing

All government agency employees understand that projects deliver outcomes based on identifying objectives, a mission, goals, scope and vision. However there is more to managing a project than creating the above. Success criteria involves the alignment of the project output with the organisation strategy, management practices, executive support, user involvement and defining business benefits. Some of these if not all were missing.


Rapid project health check to review governance, scope, budget, resource plan, business requirements, project plan and vision
Appointed a project manager to carry out the recommendations of the health check
Implemented a governance structure and appointed suitable senior management
Implemented a vendor management plan and travelled to the Vendors head office to conduct conflict resolution with a positive result
updated project artefacts, schedule, budget, business benefits, development sprints, user stories to reduce spend ($1M) and timeline (2yrs)
Setup the project for success by defining a success criteria, developing a RASCI matrix, simplified business requirements and appointed new department project SME


We inherited this project and it was complex aswell as difficult, nevertheless we put our sensitivities aside and went to work
Poorly understood business requirements by the client led to a contract dispute with the Vendor. Due to our knowledge in contract negotiation and experience in complex projects we were able to resolve this and rebaseline the schedule to setup the project to deliver faster than previously


Australian Dollars

Saved (tax payer money)


effort required

Our Consultant worked around the clock to ensure the agency did not lose reputational damage



The time it took to turn the project around

GO LIVE Consultants