Benefits Realisation

Where do we begin; when you buy something it’s for a reason, not because you are not invested. When you buy something you invest. Whether you realise it or not that decision serves an intent. It is normal to expect a return on every dollar you invest into a business opportunity. It is also normal that when you work at an organisation, with someone else’s money, that same sense of expectation diminishes.

Relax, it is not entirely your fault. See…we are humans, and it is part of our peculiar trait.

A benefits realisation framework is an end-to-end process during the lifecycle of an investment. It is a way to closely monitor how a program’s or project’s deliverables helps achieve strategic goals. Identified and understood correctly benefits are the cornerstone of a successful business case. This is the evidence of an effective proposal that represents value for money.

Benefits are the reason the investment is made.

A strategy outlines how an organisation plans to operate in order to survive and grow. Whether the goal is to reduce costs, increase revenues, launch new products or improve delivery. If those benefits are not aligned with strategic goals then how can the outcome achieve what you set out to do?. Investment decisions must be based upon realisation of benefits supporting the delivery of corporate objectives. Programs and projects which are not properly aligned with the right corporate strategies and objectives should not proceed

Types of projects

The below types of projects, in our experience are the ones where stakeholders are comfortable thinking requirements are enough and benefits are too often overlooked:

We can help you to understand what you are trying to achieve and recommend a starting point.

Industries we have experience in

With project management being core to the success of any project, Go Live’s project management team consists of Program Managers, Senior Project Managers, Project Managers, Business Analysts and Project Coordinators.

Our team have attained industry-recognised credentials and memberships from the AIPM (Australian Institute of Project Management), PRINCE2 (OGC), MSP (OGC) and PMI (Project Management Institute). This demonstrates our highly competent delivery skills.


Programme and Project Management is a key component for delivering successful outcomes, which is why Go Live uses best practice program and project management standards to deliver our solutions to customers. Our delivery capabilities are underpinned by:

GO LIVE Consultants