Telco Case Study

Go Live Consultants is a professional services firm that helps businesses with their technology needs. We provide expert guidance on cloud computing, cybersecurity, and digital transformation through consulting, project management, and training services.

The client was setting up a major strategic program to launch enterprise mobility growth with a multi-year investment in their products, infrastructure and capability

The industry was a rapidly evolving one and markets were growing fast. To capture growth and prevent reduction in revenues the organisation had to react vigorously. To capture the revenue, it needed to shift its business mix towards new high growth segments such as applications, services and platforms, M2M offerings, connected cars and BYOD.

There was going to be a need for acquisition in a targeted overseas expansion

Global telco leaders had moved early in positioning their business to capture these high growth segments and managed to increase CAGR of approximately 15%.



Strategic Objective

How quickly can you put together a strategy for multiple product and service streams that comprise over 30 business cases? How does two months sound like! Bring great minds together, sound business acumen and aim for a 10 to 1 ROI.


Setup a Growth Program

To deliver an initiative of this magnitude you need to increase your workforce to kick-off the program and projects. You need professional project management teams to transform the enterprise and create innovation.


Improve Customer Experience

Review the current customer propositions domestically and internationally and select those that simplify the offer, reduce cost base and increase customer satisfaction. The next task was to assess the increase in FTE to provide the customers with increased sales assistance and local support vs overseas call centre.


Product to Market

Training your sales people in product knowledge and market knowledge to give them an understanding of market trends and customer buying patterns. With the pace of change in this sector all staff would need adaptability to change internal processes and styles to meet customers feelings and challenges.


Go Live provided qualified program and project management consultants to help deliver the multi-year program and re-focus it.
Reviewed the PMO within other business areas, staffed the Program PMO and uplifted capability
Conducted an assessment of the program and appointed new leaders into key roles.
Began recruitment activities to develop domestic and global teams capable of delivering cohesively
Streamlined project pipeline from 54 projects to 29 and ensured financial reports were made visible and aligned with company goals


Whether you want a ROI, better customer experience, increased NPS or higher staff engagement, results matter.
Continue reading to see what we were able to deliver to our client. If this is something you want to achieve please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your needs.


At this level of town when you work with 9 digit investments there is a lot to worry about

We brought in structure, transparency and consultants that literally worked around the clock . In turn they got to spend more time with their loved ones.


Our consultants are qualified and capable to manage your programs and projects

We setup a PMO, staffed it, communicated its vision and principles internally to the organisation and helped manage some projects


Our rates are lower than the main agencies in Australia

We don't compromise on the quality or the care we take of your business and its people. We saved our client over $500K in budget and 5 mths against schedule

GO LIVE Consultants