Social Media

#Elevate your business with social media.
Why does #Nibsdapug have more followers than me?
Are you ready to take your business to new heights? It’s time to harness the power of social media with your audience, boost brand awareness and drive sales. Here’s why investing in social media channels is essential for your business.

“I may be the only marketing consultant around with an MBA and a master’s degree in applied behavioral sciences,” he said. “I look at the organization in a holistic way, considering the company culture, history, politics, bureaucracy and strengths. We have to create something that works, not a document that sits on a shelf.”

Mark Schaefer

Expand Your Reach

Engage with your clients

Increase Brand Visibility

Drive Website Traffic

Cost-Effective Marketing

Stay Competitive

Types of customers

Here we offer a list of types customer who asked us for help and we delivered

Our customers have normal challenges and they decided to find a partner to help them promote their services and products.

Industries we have experience in

Types of customers

Business projects include Enterprise Mobility growth program to deliver new services to enterprise customers such as IoT, BYOD, Connected Vehicle solutions & telematics, Unified Communications, cloud platforms, security.

Data Collection System to provide a new modern, efficient and flexible solution for all industry stakeholders.

Business process innovation to review the different services provided to clients and how to do this more effectively and economically given changes in technology, shipping and international laws.

Consumer banking, integrated payments, point of sale, risk and compliance management and AML .


Programme and Project Management is a key component for delivering successful outcomes, which is why Go Live uses best practice program and project management standards to deliver our solutions to customers. Our delivery capabilities are underpinned by:

With project management being core to the success of any project, Go Live’s project management team consists of Program Managers, Senior Project Managers, Project Managers, Business Analysts and Project Coordinators.

Our team have attained industry-recognised credentials and memberships from the AIPM (Australian Institute of Project Management), PRINCE2 (OGC), MSP (OGC) and PMI (Project Management Institute). This demonstrates our highly competent delivery skills.

GO LIVE Consultants